Welcome to the Netgreen Consultancy Platform

Still in Development. Fully LIVE during 2024.

This part of the Netgreen Platform has been published to support the engagement of the Solutions (published on Netgreen.Solutions) to be replicated throughout Europe. Consultancy support will be provided directly by the initial Solution provider.

Even though each Solution will provide significant Design & Media detail, with the source of the principal Components for each sized Solution (from future Netgreen.shop) and validation Data (from future Netgreen.Cloud), every replicated Project will have slight different Application characteristics.

Off this Platform it will be possible to book a Zoom Consultancy call with the relevant Solution provider, on an hourly booking process. This service should be invaluable for the replicated Project, providing support and guidance during the different stages from Concept application through too Commissioning.

Each Solution will have this Consultancy Service, with the Solution type defined under one of the three Concentration areas of Sustainability listed below.

Sustainable ‘Built Environment’

Systems that are circular, designed for longevity, flexibility, adaptability, assembly, disassembly, reuse and recoverability, and considers future climate risks.

Renewable Energy Solutions

Energy Sources/Systems that are Renewable do not emit greenhouse gases. These clean and sustainable alternative energy solutions are multiple and expanding.

IT Applications & Solutions

Open Source Hardware and Applications of Software in electronic format, for usage in monitoring, control and Data management, for Development & Support of Sustainable systems.

Our Vision

We came to the conclusion that the majority of people are aware of the environmental impact from their daily lives, but do not have the opportunity to reduce their consumption in our ever accelerating lifestyles. This has generated a recent negative social pattern of ‘green wishing’ , but for all the right reasons.

There is also ‘Silo’ mentality of SME sized Solution Providers to focus on their own regionally Markets for obvious reasons, using commercial Models to support a limiting process of Engagement.

Resolving both these issues will require a determination of Collaboration, to fulfil wider empowerment. Aiming for a rapid increase of Sustainable Solutions installations, in sufficient numbers that are required, to sustain our Lifestyle and Society by Carbon emission levels not rising above the cataphoric impacts of the ‘Global Warming of 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels’ and related pollution levels.

Hopefully the Netgreen Platform can help fulfil some of these objectives

Our Platform Growth

As we are still at the Test Stage of this Platform, we have started at ‘1’.

Indicating our upcoming Solution ‘Netgreen Heat’ to be published in April 2024.